After the sudden death of its president in 2012, Guine-Bissau experienced a coup d’etat in the same year. However, the country managed to hold elections in 2014, and the elected head of state was the first democratically elected president to complete a term. Current issues result from clashes between the government and parliament.
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA).
Guine-Bissau is often called the outlier of the region as is the only former Portuguese colony among many former French colonies. However, the country have also a very unique approach to policymaking. If there was a right way to do a coup d’etat it would be Guine’s 2012 coup. The motivations could not be more shallow, just a few military people trying to protect themselves. However, the transitional national unity government was somewhat efficient in reinstating elections.
Unfortunately, as in most West African countries, Guine saw political divergences becoming restrictive policies. Once you have a coup happening it is easy to use it as a tool to instate fear and perhaps close the parliament. The recent developments in the country serves as a reminder that we may speak different languages, but we are still in the same boat.
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